martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Changing my life: Day#85

Hola, Hola, Hola! Hi, Hi Hi! ;) haha Today I went to "Valle de Santigo" With my family for my father's work but at the end It was more like a family trip haha and It was amazing! :) :3 We were all togheter after a lot of we were really happy! :D We went at a coffe and we had dinner there...And Oh my God! The food and the coffe were delicious! *.* Also the manager of the place was really handsome but well that's another story... xD 

I ordered fruit because you know I'm trying to be more healthy but I tried the food of my brother and my father and it was delicious :3 also I ordered a great coffe *.* and that was all...we talked and laughed a lot... <3 

We have to value the family before it's too late...You must be thank always what you have and never forget it! ;)

I hope you the best! I know you can!

;) Thanks for reading!


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