miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

Changing my life: Day#1

Well the thing is this...I decided to completely change my way of life, talking about my diet, my studies, work, my full recovery and exercise. All this to feel better with myself, more control over me and reach my dreams!
So, I'm going to write about something of the things that I will to do every day, but not all the things, just one of them everyday...

And I want to do this because it's like a motivation for me, I mean, I don't know if someones reads me but I want to share it! This inspire me to don't give up! and if I can, why not? Inspire others! :)  

So, today I'm going to share something about the health! and this was my breakfast! :D

I want to eat more vegetables and fruits, more things without sugar and forget fast food.

I also want to share some of the songs that always brighten up my days, in each new publication, will share one of these songs.

Here the first song: <Busquen la letra en español ;)>

Hedley - Invincible ft. P. Reign


sábado, 26 de julio de 2014

Estando sin estar...

Aún recuerdo ese momento en el que te vi por primera vez...te veías tan bello como el sol y tan radiante como un sueño; pero tu no me miraste. Te fuiste y te seguí con la mirada, hasta que tu cuerpo de desvaneció y me quede sola con tu recuerdo...
Te busqué y no logré encontrarte, a lo lejos te miré una vez más...tu cuerpo deslumbrante junto al mar y mis pies se quedaron sin poder andar, me detuve y te vi brillar. A punto de avanzar te diste vuelta y sin mirarme me rozaste el alma...esa noche salí a cenar y ahí estabas tú, está vez me miraste y se detuvo el tiempo un momento, tus ojos brillaban, me hablaban, me ataban a ti. Me asignaron en una mesa frente a ti; no podíamos dejar de mirarnos, me levanté para observar el bufet y al regreso podía observar tu sonrisa, esa forma tan dulce de hablar y esa educación tan letal...me observabas, te miraba, sonreías, te buscaba, me encontrabas...era un juego sin palabras, simplemente un juego de miradas que jugaba el alma. Te fuiste y me dijiste adiós con tu sonrisa...Un día antes de partir; cuando me miraste, fue cuando todo se derrumbó...mi corazón soñó y después murió...yo tenía que partir. El día llegó, mi alma se sentía morir; prefería no volverte a ver, prefería simplemente olvidar, mas al levantar el rostro estabas tú, ahí frente a mí, con maletas en las manos, mirándome, suplicando...Sin haber cruzado palabra nos sentimos tan atraídos, nos sentíamos tan impotentes. A punto de partir, nos dijimos adiós con la mirada, y hasta nunca con el alma...
Me di la vuelta y lo dejé atrás...sin saber su nombre, sin haber conocido su amor...


viernes, 25 de julio de 2014

I want to live it, I want to share it...

I think I'm getting addicted to write in English...haha but it feels great xD either way...

I want to know the world, I want to travel, I want to learn...
I just want to be someone that can be completly free...

I just want to fly away and see all the amazing secrets of the world, of the people, of the universe...

I want to make my dreams come true, and I want to share all those things with the people... :)


miércoles, 23 de julio de 2014

¡Help me!

Hi again! Well today I'm going to talk (write) about my problems! 

I mean, I don't want to say that I have a bad life or that I don't have all the things that I need but...I'm having a lot of personal problems. And at the same time I'm having good changes...

 The only problem is that my life is a disaster...

I need a routine...

I wanted to say that I found the best form to organize the time of the day with school, my house, my loves (languages) and my friends but the truth is that I've been trying to do it but I couldn't.

I guess in this moment of my life I can't to achieve to do all this things at the same time, I think I need to sacrifice...some of the time with friends and things like that. Bucause well, I'm not a superman right? but the truth is that I need a schedule and I need it now! I'm going crazy!

If I want a productive life, I really need to organize my time...but I don't know how! Because I can do it, but my life (my familie's life) is a mess and I don't want to say that is the fault of others because it's not! but also it's a truth, that it's more dificult without support or consideration and with stress all the time... 
Because they don't understand your interest in other things or just study something the most of your time, so they make you do things of family's business, things in the house or something like that... 

And I like to help my family but I want and I need more time to myself! I mean, I deserve it too, no?

I made a schedule someday...but suddenly my father needed someone on the shop because a worker was late or my mom wanted me to do the food, washed dishes, swept, cleaned...and all this things.

And four hours later it was like: Damn! I didn't do the things that I needed to do! And it was the same every single day...

And the disaster never ends, normally my family (except my mom) does not tend to pick up anything than they take, what they use or even food wrappers...so, my mom and I need to pick up and clean all the things, all the time, every day! and I can't leave her alone! It's my mom and It's too work for one person, even two persons!

I really need help! because how can you deal with those things?...

And now with the new program in school...Jesus Christ! I don't want to know how it will be...

Well, somehow I will find the way to organise myself... If anyone has any advice, I'd appreciate it enough...

Meanwhile, I will to continue trying, again and again until I can do it! :)

See you later...I need to sleep now.
