jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Who I am...

I know it! I know it! But I hate that! I want to be loved for who I am! Exactly who I am! with my faults and my virtues! I don't want to do things that I don't want to do! Do you understand that? Can you?
I hate the times when you tell me what I have to do! The things that I have to say and the things that I have to feel!...So please! Shut up! And get out of here! Because with all these things...you just make me feel that I'm not enough! And I just want to scream and disappear... Why I need to change? Why? If love is accept others like they are!...If he wants to talk with me...he knows my cell phone number, my city and my street...so, why I have to do all? I'm just tired, I'm tired to wait for something that never comes, something that I never see...


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